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Education and experience has helped Interior Designer Megan Hannam, discover how space affect one’s daily life.  As a person and professional, she has learned how our spaces can make us feel alive or cause us to take a dive.  She believes a space is less about the “things” in it and more about how we relate to it.  Statistics show our culture will spend hours and money on tips and tricks that may help us feel better physically or mentally.  Medicines, machines, and devices have been designed to support some of these needs.  But what happens if we instead simply focus on what is around us and start inside, inside our home and our hearts?  Megan believes by looking within, we can determine what is needed to feel alive to thrive!  Our home, like exercise, food or medicine, can become a tool to help support and cultivate joy in life. With understanding and careful planning, like that of an exercise routine, a home can be designed to fit your needs.  It doesn’t have to be the best, biggest, or picture perfect but instead simple, honest, reflective and fitting.  Looking within your home and own self, one can determine what is really needed to feel alive and WARNING: it probably won’t match perfectly or be the hottest trend, but it will be perfect for you!  Join Megan as she presents: Creating Home, a four-part series she has developed to help educate, empower, and equip people to re-create their space to support their needs.  Come, learn simple and supportive means to discover your deepest needs and how to put them into action! This series will be applicable for both residential and commercial spaces from home, work, small shops, eateries, and more!  Registration is encouraged but not required.  Seating is limited.  Register for one or all four.




We all get one life, why not take our best shot at it?  Space, like food, exercise, and medicine is a tool that can help support that shot.  Megan believes everybody has what it takes to create their perfect space but often just lack encouragement and confidence.  She feels this series will help empower and equip people to make simple changes that will support their life in profound ways!




Megan would like to share her gifts, education and experience as a professional in Interior Design & Construction.  To provide inspiration and impact to others lives by offering simple, no/low cost guidance and means for them to create an essence for their space that is in harmony with themselves.    



Achieved through a combination of lecture, visuals and examples.  Educating through collaboration, community and experiences.



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